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Does your life feel chaotic and you feel a bit crazed?  Do you find yourself flying off the handle when things don’t go exactly as you had planned?

Well, I totally get it…honestly- that’s WHY I meditate.  Life comes at us with such intensity  that many of us find we are overwhelmed day in & day out.  Practicing meditation can transport us beyond being stuck in anxiety & judgement to that place where we feel peaceful, centered, creative and playful.

Just a few minutes a day allows us to experience a calmness in our lives that quite frankly everyone around us appreciates!

The key is not to make it such a big deal or expect yourself to practice like the Dalai Lama.  Instead,  learning a way to meditate that supports your real life can be fun.

Once you find a practice that feels natural to you it’s not that hard to keep up.

Sign Up NOW and create your simple & practical meditation practice –

Sunday, June 3rd from 1pm-4pm at Pilates 1901.

Space is limited and this workshop fills up fast so reserve your spot now  for our Meditation, Yoga & Inspiration Workshop at jilltupper.com

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